Friday, October 9, 2009

Learning Modelling in Maya!

So now that I've finally decided to pursue a different goal in life,(which is to try to master all aspects of CG instead of just the animation part) I've put together a short to do list that MUST be accomplish in a certain order. I literally dissected Tyson's progress on his website and one thing I've learned from it is that he had a certain order he followed. One question I kept asking myself is: what makes his work stand out from other artist's work?? There is just something about his work that if the same project was done by any other talented artist it wouldn't look nearly the same. I guess what I mean is its his STYLE that stands out. Its all about taking it one step at a time and "not rushing it."

Nevertheless, I've tried really hard to come up with a order that I can follow but it's definitely not finalized. It's just a base that I can build from to fit my time frame and my train of thought. Also since we're not all like Tyson in the way we think(because honestly I think he was animating in his mother's womb lool jk) I figured I'd have to get help from tutorials. So what you see above is the first ship I modeled. I actually modeled it three times just so I can understand it and become much faster at it. It was definitely fun to do and I sorta regret not doing it while I was going to AM because sadly but honestly this one small tutorial could of helped soooo much with my animation. While I was doing the tutorial I was thinking to myself how much more things I could of done with my scenes if I knew that stuff back then. Anyway we live and learn and I'm just glad I'm setting myself straight now and I'm following a path at least. And hopefully in the future people will look at my work and follow my path.

InshAllah Khair( God willing it will be OK)