Sunday, September 20, 2009

Making the ultimate decision!!

So my last post got me thinking more about this whole concept of learning more of the animation process and not limiting oneself to just one aspect of it. I finally came up with a question that would help anyone interested find an easier way to figure it out.

Would you want to be like Glen Keane, James Baxter, etc...or would you want to be like Tyson Ibele (if you dont know him check out amazing cg artist)???

I asked myself that recently and I thought long and hard about it for a while. My answer was definitely to be like Tyson Ibele right from the beginning and no matter how much I wanted to convince myself otherwise it was just not enough. I mean no offense to Glen and the other geniuses who literally shaped the animation industry into what it is now but it's just not enough for my taste. What Tyson has accomplished in such a short amount of time and at such a young age will not go unnoticed. He's already known by a good amount of artist who've seen his work to be one of the most talented/creative minds on the planet.

So after seeing what he's done I made it my goal in life to become as close to that as possible. You see the way he makes his decisions is really ingenious. What I respect most about him is that he could easily be working at the baddest studio in the world but he knows that he'll be too busy for his own personal work. He loves his personal projects too much to let go and I don't blame him. All you really need in life is a good paying job that could take care of your everyday needs and won't suck the life out of you before you go home to your own life. He figured out a way to do that and I give him much respect for that.

In conclusion, the life that Tyson is living right now is what I want to do for the rest of my life. If I can accomplish what he has until now before i die I think i'll die a very happy man. Would I die happy if I accomplished what Glen Keane has accomplished? Absolutely. But it's just a more fulfilling feeling with the tyson one.

Those are my thoughts, now I want yours.
Till next time :)


Anonymous said...

Tyson Ibele and Glen Keane both are great animators but I see you more as a Tyson because your work is still so fresh and new. Glen Keane's work has had time to grow and develop. I don't understand why everyone is in such a rush to the finish line. Somethings just need time to grow,and I think animation is one of them. I guess it depends on what you want in your career. Do you want to cross the finish line tomorrow like Tyson or be more memorable like Keane. The work Keane has produced will never be forgotten, they are classics...Keane I guess is someone you can relate to because of his age, but will his work get better with age or will it just plateau and stay at the same level?? I mean his work is being recognized and he is winning awards but will his work bet the test of time?? Will you be able in like 20 years to still say "man that was good animation" like you would for Beauty and the Beast or the Little Mermaid???
You stated that the thing you liked most about Tyson was his way of handling his career and personal life. The reason why Keane has had such a successful career is because his career is his life. Like I said it depends on what you are looking for when it comes your overall goal. Oh and you website does look a little bit like Tyson's hmmmm??? lol..All animators have a different perspective and yours will get better with experience and time (I hope). So the "ultimate decision" is ultimately yours.

Fawzi said...

Great reply and really nice point of view you have there. I love the last sentence you got there. I think we both see this topic from a very similar perspective. You went over the way Glen has made animation his life. Is that really a necessary sacrifice that we must endure? This is why I choose to be like Tyson instead of Glen or James Baxter, it's that simple fact. You say that Glen Keane is more memorable but I argue that in just a few years Tyson is gonna be so popular that people will look to him for inspiration instead of Glen.

So basically your right about the ultimate decision being ultimately mine, and I've decided I will risk pretty much everything I got to becoming like Tyson. It's just too good of a package to ignore :)